Teknik Mesin merupakan salah satu disiplin ilmu teknik yang mempelajari tentang penerapan ilmu fisika dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan dengan objek pembahasan utama meliputi tentang prinsip - prinsip gaya (force), energi dan gerak.

Sub Program studi
- Konversi Energi
- Proses Produksi
- Statics and dynamics
- Strength of materials and solid mechanics
- Instrumentation and measurement
- Electrotechnology
- Electronics
- Thermodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion, and HVAC
- Combustion, automotive engines, fuels
- Fluid mechanics and fluid dynamics
- Mechanism design (including kinematics and dynamics)
- Manufacturing engineering, technology, or processes
- Hydraulics and pneumatics
- Mathematics - in particular, calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra.
- Engineering design
- Product design
- Mechatronics and control theory
- Material Engineering and Control engineering
- Design engineering, Drafting, computer-aided design (CAD) (including solid modeling), and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)[
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